Amanda "AT" Torres

Website: Amanda "AT" Torres's website

Amanda Torres (AT) is a queer, Mexican-American writer, educator & cultural organizer living in Massachusetts. AT has been performing and teaching writing for eighteen years throughout the Midwest & Northeast as well as the UK. The former program director of the Poetry Foundation’s National Incubator for Community Engaged Poets, as well as the co-founder and former director of MassLEAP, a youth literary organization in Boston, they are a designer and curator of justice-oriented, arts-based learning spaces. In the classroom, AT creates radical, imaginative and care-centered labs for creativity, self-reflection & the navigation of power with/in institutions & relationships. Their artistry is a lovingly made, and often collaborative, ofrenda to their ancestors and a belief in the strange and the tender. Their writing can be found in print in LatiNext, a Breakbeat Poetry Anthology & At Our Best: Building Youth-Adult Partnerships in Out-of-School Time Settings. AT received their M.Ed from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2021. They currently work as a freelance editor, curriculum developer and teaching fellow at their alma mater and are working on a poetry manuscript in which they hope to write the people they love into the future.