Daniel Kaplan
Position title: Romeo and Juliet
6th Cohort
Romeo and Juliet is an abstraction of the ancient story of love, told through sound, space and color. The one-person show explores the nature of relationships in contemporary 21st century society, as the audience is taken through the circular process of love and loss.
Born in Los Angeles, raised in North Carolina, Daniel Kaplan is an interdisciplinary artist in the First Wave Program at the University of Wisconsin that explores invisibility, intersectionality, and the changing nature of contemporary identity. Under the name Son!, Kaplan makes sound, space, and time to allow the audience to explore the boundaries of their own self as a means of exploring his own. As a member of the First Wave Program, he abstracts the hip-hop processes of sampling, cultural documentation, and his own narrative to create work across mediums and genres that is rooted within a hip-hop framework.